Let the student become a global active citizen, with the Student’s journey!

Just Action resources help you to build students’ knowledge, sustainable attitudes and values with a student’s journey based on action, more than theory.

We have created two sets of resources, one for primary school (8-12 years old) and one for secondary (13-15 years old), so thatactivities are coherent with the student’s age.

To access to resources, you need to register.

Don’t worry! It is super-fast and free.

Use the maps to navigate the activities for each school level. We’ve organised these into themes that connect with the curriculum. 

The map also has three layers: Classroom, for activities to do in-class; School, for events and projects to engage the school; and Community, for ideas that go beyond the school gates and engage with people and groups in the wider world.

The idea is to start in the middle, and move outwards! This will help your learners build the knowledge, attitudes and skills of active citizenship.

The student's journey for primary school

The sections:

I’m part of the world: How are we connected to nature, the people around us, and the wider world?

We impact the planet: How can our daily actions affects nature and other people?

We consume and produce: Where does our energy, food and clothes come from? And where does it go when we’ve finished with it?

Human rights and dignity: How does climate change threaten people’s ability to live a good life?

Climate justice: How can we take action on climate change for a fairer world?

The student's journey for secondary school

You will be wondering: what is each section about?

Identity and Influence: How do our beliefs inform our actions? What can we do to influence others in the world?

Technology: Technology is everywhere and it’s speeding up everything. But where is it going?

Power and having an impact: People are continually being influenced. But have you thought about what power and impact you and your friends have? How can you influence others in your community?

Equality and justice: What is the world so unequal? Why is this important when we’re taking climate action?
Over consumption: How does our patterns of consumption affect the wider world? What can we change?

Nature and biodiversity: How do our daily actions affect nature? How can we act for more resilient ecosystems?

Sustainable dilemmas and development: How can we develop our societies and economies to respect the human rights and dignity of all? fields, and the development further should also include a variety of perspectives. Therefore we need all on board!

JUST ACTION – Teachers and students towards a sustainable transition
Project number: 2021-1-IE01-KA220-SCH-000031615 

Erasmus+ Programme – KA2 Cooperation partnerships in school education, Call for Proposals 2021

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